Welcome to The Bloc.

A tight-knit group of doulas in Kansas City providing judgement-free support to families across the Metro.

Our passion is to make birth doula support and childbirth education more accessible to the families in Kansas City.
No matter what type of birth you are planning...
you belong here!

See what makes us special...

See what makes us special...

We work as a team to utilize each of our strengths in different ways! Meet our doulas.


Specialized training and experience in trauma-informed care, family advocacy, supporting epidurals and inductions, and working within hospital systems to support low-intervention birth plans when desired by our clients.

Our doula scholarship fund! 10% of ALL of our full price services go towards helping families in YOUR community access doula care.

Don’t just take our word for it…

See what our past clients have to say!

I’m sure you have some questions. Here are a few answers.

Inviting a doula into your birth is a deeply personal decision, and we don’t take the responsibility lightly.

Our owner, Heidi, sets up an initial consult with every prospective client to answer any questions you have, but here are some of our most frequently asked ones so you can get to know us better.

  • A doula supports you during your pregnancy and birth through educational, emotional & physical support. Our current mainstream maternal health care system is not able to meet these needs effectively for pregnant individuals. Studies have shown that when giving birth with a doula present, people have significantly better health outcomes for them and their baby.

  • YES, YES, and another YES for emphasis. Doulas are trained to support ALL births, and it is fun to have some variety! Unmedicated birth is great, but not the right option for many, and we 100% support parents choosing what they feel comfortable with for their birth. Doulas can change your position frequently while utilizing an epidural, encourage labor along during an induction, or help make the vibe in the operating room during your c-section centered around you and your baby bonding.

  • We encourage all partners to attend our free, 30-minute initial consult and see how they feel about a doula being present after that! No strings attached.

    Doulas will never replace a partners role in birth. Doulas are actually at the birth to help the person giving birth AND the partner have a better experience! As a partner, wouldn’t you feel great being educated on how you can help create a more comfortable and respected birth experience? Doulas are there to do just that… empower the partner to take control of the birthing room just as much as the parent giving birth, and help them know how to be an active participant in the process.

    A doula is there to help you navigate the maternal health care system, provide emotional and physical support to the whole family, educate you on your birthing options, help your partner look like a rock star… while letting grab them food and go to the bathroom once in a while.

  • First, look at your insurance. Few insurances cover the cost of a doula (some magical unicorn ones do though!) but many will let you use Health Savings or Flexible Spending Accounts to cover the costs.

    Second, utilize your friends and family! Did you know many gift registries let you register for a doula? Friends and family can contribute to the fund, because what’s a cooler gift then education and support from a professional during your pregnancy and birth??? My tip to clients is to buy what you can second-hand or borrowed for baby, and utilize your network to pay for the things that will set you up for success as you start your parenting journey… like a doula, meal delivery, house cleaners. etc.

    And if you still can’t swing it, feel free to apply to our “Choose What You Pay” Program (check it out on the bottom of our services page). Our clients who use this program get the exact same support as our clients who pay full price! There is usually always some extra money sitting in that account and we are always happy to use it to help a family get the birth support every parent needs and deserves.

Are you worried a doula doesn’t fit your birth preferences?

Our nation is in the middle of a maternity care crisis, and while doula care will never fix all the gaps in our systems, it has been proven to better birth and postpartum outcomes; but yet so few families are utilizing doula support.

There is a misconception around doula care that it is only for those seeking low-intervention birth. While doulas can absolutely help with those goals, we’d be selling ourselves short if we didn’t let you know that we can do SO much more!

Doulas are there to support, to advocate for, and to guide you through the unknowns of birth. Hiring our doula team means having a guaranteed support person on your baby's birthday who has gotten to know your family and your birth preferences and who knows the system in and out. A doula is an advocate who will be with you every step of the way (since we work together, we can guarantee you’ll have a fresh and well-rested doula for your whole birth — even if it’s multiple days!)… all with the goal of helping you and your family leave the experience feeling cared for and seen during the process of bringing your baby earth-side.

Get to know the owner.

Hi, I’m Heidi! Here’s a bit about me…

After working in newborn and maternity support for over five years, I welcomed my first child into this world while going to school full-time. For someone with half a decade of experience in baby care, I was shocked how hard the transition into motherhood hit me and my family.

When approaching business school graduation a year later, I was telling my husband about how I wanted to work for an organization that provided hands on support to all different types of families during the pregnancy to newborn transition, and he pointed out that it sounded like I actually wanted to be a doula. I quickly rejected the idea because I thought doulas only really had a role in holistically centered birth settings, and I felt like those groups were already well supported.

After doing some research, I was encouraged that doulas can meet the needs of so many different types of families and birth preferences! My hope for The Bloc is that all kinds of families with various goals can come together in one place to break down the parent-shaming culture and help each other have access to support. And that is why our “Choose What You Pay” Program exists. 10% of everything we makes goes into this scholarship program, so by joining The Bloc, you are helping lift up the other families in Kansas City by helping them afford access to doula support!

birth doula group

Find us on instagram @thebirthbloc

Find us on instagram @thebirthbloc